Can anxiety disorder cause EKG/ECG abnormalities?

My answer to Can anxiety disorder cause EKG/ECG abnormalities?

Answer by Carlo Carandang:

Generally, anxiety disorders can cause tachycardia, or increased heart rate, due to the effects of the fight or flight response, which is triggered by fear and anxiety. But this is usually only episodic, and occurs when you are experiencing extreme anxiety, such as having anxiety/panic attacks. Tachycardia in itself is benign, unless it is chronic and is associated with other risk factors for heart disease, such as increased blood pressure and high cholesterol level. The cardiologist can talk to you further about this.

The only other cardiac abnormality associated with anxiety disorders is with panic disorder and mitral valve prolapse. People with panic disorder have an increased incidence of mitral valve prolapse, and is usually benign, but the research findings about the significance of this association is being questioned: (Does the association between mitral valve prolapse and panic disorder really exist?).

Please follow-up with your doctor and cardiologist. This was just meant to educate regarding the general facts about anxiety and ECG abnormalities.

Can anxiety disorder cause EKG/ECG abnormalities?